PhD. César A. Collazos

PhD. Mireia Ribera Turró


José Humanes

  • Responsable de Accesibilidad Digital / Digital Accessibility Manager en Pasiona.
  • Estudiante de doctorado de la Universidad de Lleida. Accesibilidad web y empatía.
  • Enlace aLinkedin

PhD. Yenny Alexandra Méndez Alegría

Andrés Solano Alegría

M.Sc., Ing. Claudio Camilo González Clavijo

PhD. Eva Cerezo

  •  Universidad de Zaragoza, grup de recerca en Investigación en Interfaces Avanzadas

PhD. Francisco Luís Gutiérrez

  • Member of the Research Group GEDES at the University of Granada. 

Félix Albertos Marco

Assistant Professor at UdL

Félix Albertos Marco was born in Caudete (Albacete, Spain) the 1st of august, 1977. He had his first computer at the age of 19, a custom Pentium 100, 16Mb RAM, 1Mb video, and no sound :-) . Since then, he worked to understand how computers work and, lately, to understand how users use computers.

He works in the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). He is a member of the AIPO (Asociación Interacción Persona-Ordenador, Human-Computer Interaction). His main interest is the user interaction with the Web and how users perform their tasks on nowadays scenarios, focusing on distributed interactions and multi-device environments. He is also interested on collaborative environments and e-Learning Web Applications.

More details:

Link to CV