Philippe Palanque and Regina Bernhaupt visited GRIHO

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During last two days Philippe Palanque and Regina Bernhaupt from University of Toulouse (France).

Yerterday, May the 30, Philippe did two classes for the Computer Science Grade sutents:

  • 12:00-14:00 Class addressed to students of “User-Centered Design” subject. It is a a non mandatory subject, with less students (around 20 students, they are in the 6th semester of their studies). They studied “Human-Computer Interaction” subject last year. I’d like to focus your talk/class on “Task analysis and modelling”
  • 15:00-17:00 Class addressed to Grade in Computer Science students in the “Human-Computer Interaction” mandatory subject (around 60 students, they are in the 4rth semester). For them we thought to teach a “General class/talk about HCI”.

Today, May the 31th, we did a knowledge interchange. This was the agenda:

  1. General GRIHO presentation, by Toni Granollers
  2. Plasticity-MobileUsability, by Montse Sendín
  3. Accessibility PhD advances by Afra Pascual
  4. Interacting with Semantic Web Data, by Josep Mª Brunetti
  5. Yenny Méndez explained the iedas and advances of her PhD
  6. Andrés Solano also exposed his PhD goals
  7. Main Research Lines of Francisco Jurado
  8. Finally, Roberto García explained the aspects related with emotional research carried on by Rosa Mª Gil and that related with semantic web applications

After these presentations, Regina and Philippe explained some of them multiple interests and research topics.